ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

New View and Print Area

If a new view number is selected, the behavior depends on the currently selected print area.

  • If the print area is Fence, changes to the view number are not permitted.
  • If the print area is View, the print area is reloaded from the new view information. The orientation and rotation automatically is set to achieve the best fit. If the current print scale with the new view results in an unclipped print size that fits the paper, the current print scale is left unchanged. Otherwise, the print size is maximized. This behavior permits switching to a similar view without having to reset the print scale. For example, both views may depict an identical area, but have different level symbology view attributes. The Print dialog always resets its print attributes using the new view attributes.
  • If the print area is Sheet, the Print dialog behaves the same as when the print area is View. In addition, after the print area and print attributes have been updated, the sheet definition is reloaded from the model and applied in the same manner as was done when the Print dialog was first invoked.